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Join the fun!

Submit your mini challenge and get featured on our show.

Just follow the steps below!


Step 1: Read the Guidelines

Familiarize yourself with our mini-challenge guidelines to understand what makes a great submission.

  • Word Selection: The words you choose should be relatively common and should translate directly between the languages. Avoid idioms, slang, and culture-specific terms that might not have direct translations.

  • Word Complexity: Choose words of varying complexity to make the game more engaging. Simple nouns might be easier to guess than abstract concepts or verbs, for example.

  • Number of Clues: Each word should have no more than 5 clues, moving from general to specific. Starting with more vague clues and getting more specific makes the game progressively easier.

  • Clue Content: The clues should be about the properties, uses, or characteristics of the word to be guessed. They can also include cultural or historical references, as long as these references would be understood by the players.

  • Avoid the Word: Clues should not contain the word to be guessed or any derivatives of the word. For example, if the word to be guessed is "mela" (apple), the clues should not include the term "mela" or any words that derive from it (like "melina" for apple tree).

  • Diversity of Clues: Try to vary the types of clues you provide. Some might be about the appearance of an object, others about its use, and others about its significance or role in a particular context.

  • Avoid Translation Issues: Avoid clues that rely on knowledge specific to the players' native language. For example, don't use a clue that involves a pun or play on words in the native language, or a reference to a company or brand that isn't globally known.

Here are some good examples for you to follow.

Check out previous challenges for inspiration and to grasp the format.

Cos’è questo?
È un anello speciale scambiato tra gli sposi durante la cerimonia di matrimonio.
Simboleggia l'impegno e l'amore eterno tra due persone.
Di solito è indossato sulla mano sinistra al dito anulare, ma la tradizione varia in diverse culture.
Può essere realizzato in vari materiali, come oro, argento o platino.
Molti di questi sono incisi con i nomi degli sposi o una data significativa.
Questa è la fede nuziale.

Що це?
Предмет одягу, який носиться на голові.
Цей предмет може захищати від сонця або від холоду.
Може бути частиною уніформи або спортивного одягу.
Зазвичай має козирок.
Це кепка.

Was ist das?
Es ist ein Teil des menschlichen Körpers.
Es befindet sich in der Mitte des Arms.
Es ermöglicht das Biegen und Strecken des Arms.
Wenn man es sich anhaut, tut es sehr sehr weh. 
Das ist ein Ellbogen.


 Step 2: Prepare Your Submission

  • Choose a Word: Select a specific word for your challenge.

  • Brainstorm Ideas: Consider unique, fun, or particularly challenging aspects to spotlight.

  • Write the Transcript: Type out the challenge according to the specified format, ensuring clarity and adherence to guidelines.

Follow the following format:

What is it?
Clue 1
Clue 2
Clue 3
Clue 4 (max 5)
This is "word."


What is it?
It's a place where food is prepared and cooked.
It's often the room where you find a refrigerator, an oven, and a sink.
In this room, one can find utensils like frying pans, pots, and knives.
This is where meals are often prepared for family or friends.
This is a kitchen.

Detailed Instructions

  • Step 2.1 Draft Your Challenge Text
    Begin by typing out the text of your challenge in a text editor of your choice (e.g., Notepad, Word, Google Docs). This will allow you to refine and review your challenge before submitting.

  • Step 2.2 Keep a Copy
    Once you've finalized the text of your challenge, save or keep the document open. This is crucial, as you will refer to this text when recording your audio.

  • Step 2.3 Copy & Paste into Submission Form
    Highlight the text of your challenge in your text editor, copy it (Ctrl/Cmd+C), and then paste it (Ctrl/Cmd+V) into the relevant section of the submission form located in the following section.

    🟢 Note: After submitting your challenge, you won't be able to view the text in the form again. It's essential to have your challenge saved or open in your text editor to refer back to it while recording.

Step 3: Fill Out the Submission Form

  • Provide Details: Answer all the questions and include any additional information requested.
  • Consent and Confirm: Ensure that you read and agree to any terms, conditions, and consent clauses before submitting.

Step 4: Record Your Challenge

Practice: Rehearse your challenge a couple of times to ensure smooth delivery in the recording.

Option A: Use the audio recording tool below and record your voice directly on the site. Make sure your audio is clear and free of background noise.

⏸ Leave a gap of about 3-5 seconds before revealing the answer.

Option B: Record with your own device and upload the file using the Google Form linked below. Make sure your audio is clear and free of background noise.

Thank you!

Your contributions keep our community thriving and our show dynamic. We can't wait to hear your language challenge and share it with the world!

☎️ Ecolinguist LIVE _ #4 _ Let’s make a show together!