Miejscowa idiotka

I selected this song as a translation activity for its significance in Polish pop culture. Zespół Akurat is iconic Polish band who started the ska-rock-reggae genre in Poland with their album debut in 2001. Somewhat of an underground sensation, Zespół Akurat was one of the first Polish bands to gain their fame without the support of big media companies. Some of their songs belong to the most prominent Polish protest movements. The hit “Lubię mówić z tobą” is an evergreen song that up until this day is eagerly used by many cover bands to perform at the events and wedding parties.

Artist: zespół Akurat

Album: Pomarańcza

Let's study this song.

For this translation, I would like you to focus on the use of the prepositions ‘z’ and ‘sobie’. Understanding that ‘z’ could mean ‘with’ or ‘from’ depending on the case it’s followed by will help you with avoiding common misunderstandings while getting used to the ‘sobie’ will help you better understand colloquial speech. With this practice, you'll soon be a Polish speaking pro!

How it works.

Analyzing the lyrics.

Read through the lyrics of the song while paying attention to the highlighted structures. The ideas they convey have been also highlighted in the corresponding English translations on the right.  As you read further into the song and the more you practice, you will start to recognize the patterns within the Polish language and identifying them in your everyday will come naturally. 


Spotkali się w święto, o piątej przed kinem
Miejscowa idiotka z tutejszym kretynem
Tutejsza idiotko!- rzekł kretyn miejscowy
Czy pragniesz pójść ze mną na film przebojowy
Miejscowa kretynka odrzekła; z ochotą
Albowiem cię kocham tutejszy idioto
Więc kretyn miejscowy uśmiechnął się słodko
I poszedł do kina z tutejszą idiotką

Na miłym macaniu spłynęła godzinka
I była szczęśliwa miejscowa kretynka
Aż wreszcie szepnęła: kretynie tutejszy!
Ten film mam wrażenie jest coraz nudniejszy.
Więc poszli na sznycel, na melbę, na winko
Miejscowy idiota z tutejszą kretynką.
Następnie się zwarli w uścisku zmysłowym,
Tutejsza idiotka z kretynem miejscowym.

W ten sposób dorobią się córki lub syna
Idioty, idiotki, kretynki, kretyna,
By znowu się mogli spotykać przed kinem
Tutejsza idiotka z miejscowym kretynem.


Met on a holiday, in front of the cinema at five
A local dumbass girl with homie dumbass guy
Dear local dumbass girl! - said local dumbass man
Do you fancy going with me for a blockbuster movie?
Local dummy girl replied: I'd love to, indeed! (lit: with eagerness)
It is because I love you, my dear local dweeb!
And so the local dumbass gave her a sweet smile
And went with homie dummy girl to the cinema.

An hour spent on touching in a pleasant clutch
And so was happy our local idiot gal
Til she whispered: my dear local imbecile
My impression is that this movie is getting more and more boring.
So they went to have a schnitzel, peach melba and some wine
Homie moron guy with local dumbass gal.
Then they held each other in a sensual embrace
Local stupid girl with homie moron man.

This way they'll have a daughter or a son
Stupid girl or stupid boy, a dumbass gal or dumbass lad
So they could meet again in front of the cinema
A homie dummy girl with a local dumbass guy.


Miejscowy and tutejszy are synonyms. One derives from the word ‘miejsce’ (a place) and the other one ‘tutaj’ (over here).
Macanie - is the act of groping, which usually has bad connotations, hover the way this kind of words are used in this song add up to the humorous effect. As you’ve probably figured out by now. The ‘macanie’ was consensual here.
albowiem - it’s because. It’s definitely not an everyday expression. It’s used mainly in the poetry and in the Bible.
uśmiechnąć się perf. - to smile, to give a smile
Note that ‘słodko’ is an adverb as it refers to the way the action of smiling was performed.
dorobić się czegoś - colloquially: to earn something, to become rich enough to be able to afford something. Depending on the context it could be something positive or negative. In this case it hints that the kids are going to be unplanned!

Keywords featured in this song.

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after” rate="1.5"] serce [/responsivevoice]


[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] złoto [/responsivevoice]


[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] płynąć [/responsivevoice] (imperf.)

to swim, to float, to flow

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] dawać coś komuś [/responsivevoice]

to give something to someone

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] słowo [/responsivevoice]

a word

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] chętnya chętnye [/responsivevoice]

willing, ready, game

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] uderzać [/responsivevoice] (imperf.)

to hit

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] myśleć [/responsivevoice] (imperf.)

to think

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] moc [/responsivevoice]


[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] udać się komuś [/responsivevoice]

to be a success to someone

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] krążyć [/responsivevoice] (imperf.)

to circulate

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] wypowiedzieć [/responsivevoice] (perf.)

to say, to pronounce

[responsivevoice voice="Polish Female" buttontext="Play" buttonposition=”after”] szczerya szczerye [/responsivevoice]


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